A Variable Rate Home Loan is like that ever-changing mood ring you used to wear as a kid – it can be unpredictable, but it also has its moments of brightness. This type of home loan comes with an interest rate that can change at any time. In simple terms, when interest rates are low, your repayments will bring a smile to your face with their affordability, but be prepared for the possibility of paying a bit more when interest rates decide to dance upwards. Unlike fixed rate home loans, where repayments remain steady, variable rate home loans can fluctuate from month to month, making them a bit more dynamic.
Interest rates are like the weather in Brisbane – they can change quickly! The main influencer of interest rates is the RBA cash rate. The Reserve Bank of Australia meets on the first Tuesday of most months (excluding January) to set the cash rate. They decide whether to raise, lower, or maintain it based on various factors, including the state of the housing market, inflation, and the performance of the Australian dollar. This decision has a ripple effect on interest rates throughout the country.
But here's the twist: Mortgage lenders can also adjust their interest rates independently of the RBA's decision. They sometimes justify these changes with the "cost of funding" explanation. Banks often source funds from international markets, and these funds can have their own rate fluctuations that might not be immediately obvious to us.
So, remember that your bank can change your variable home loan's interest rate without the RBA moving the cash rate.
Now, let's talk about the perks of choosing a variable rate home loan. We're all about finding the silver lining!
Fluctuation for Lower Payments: When interest rates drop, your monthly repayments follow suit, leaving you with more money for life's little joys.
Feature Extravaganza: Variable rate loans often come with exciting features like redraw facilities and offset accounts. Think of them as the icing on your financial cake.
Extra Repayments: You can turbocharge your path to homeownership by making extra repayments whenever you like.
Refinancing Flexibility: Unlike fixed-term loans, there's usually no break fee if you want to refinance, giving you the freedom to explore better options.
We promised a happy spin, but we also believe in transparency. Here are some aspects to consider:
Variable rate home loans are currently a popular choice in Australia, thanks to the low cash rate set by the Reserve Bank of Australia. However, remember that lenders can change rates independently of the cash rate. Fixed rates offer stability, making them attractive to those planning for significant life changes. If you want the best of both worlds, a split loan might be your answer. It's like having two outfits for the day and night!
For those of you with a variable rate home loan, there's a hidden gem – the offset account. Some variable loans offer a 100% offset account, which can be a game-changer. It's like finding money you didn't know you had!
By keeping cash, like your salary, in an offset account rather than a regular savings account, you automatically reduce the total interest you pay each month. It's a simple yet powerful way to save thousands over your loan's lifespan.
Your home loan journey is a marathon, not a sprint, with a potential lifespan of up to 30 years. So, choose wisely and ensure your choice brings happiness to your financial world. If you're looking for personalized advice, chat with a Home Loan Specialist today. We're here to make your mortgage journey as joyful as possible!